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Therapy Session



We provide assessment, comprehensive reports, intervention, and consultation to multiple agencies across a variety of sectors.  Our extensive experience working within traumatising systems enables us to assess and intervene with clients who may previously have struggled to engage with services, and this is something that we pride ourselves upon. 

Our services: Text

Child and
Family Law

We specialise in working with children, parents, and families,  whilst also supporting the services around them to better  understand the families' needs. We recognise that difficulties  in family systems arise from the complex interplay between  psychological, developmental, relational, familial, and social  challenges. Using our experience and knowledge regarding  attachment, child development, psychological and mental health  pathologies we can offer an understanding of complex family systems.  We consider both the risks and the strengths present within the

individual and their families, and respond to instructions offering

comprehensive guidance for the Courts.


  • Objective assessments of parental capacity and risk of harm.

  • Complex global family assessments.

  • Assessment of attachment in family (including Child and Parent
    Attachment Interview).

  • Assessments of parents and children at any developmental stage, 
    and at any point of the child protection pathway.

  • Assessments of parental protective capacity where there is abuse
    within a family. 

  • Assessments of behavioural challenges and behaviour management.

  • Assessments of trans-generational trauma and trauma responses,
    and impact on parenting.

  • Assessments of neurodevelopmental conditions (Learning Disability,
    ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Condition).

  • Diagnostic assessments of the factors contributing to parenting
    difficulties including adult mental health, personality
    (IPDE, MCMI-IV, PCL-SV), forensic risk, and substance misuse problems.


Our services: Text

Criminal Law
and Parole
Board Hearings

As Forensic Psychologists, the team are experts in evidence-based risk assessments  to provide comprehensive evidence to the Courts.  


  • Assessment of forensic risk in children, young people, and adults.

  • Specialist structured assessments of sexual and violent risk
    (including arson, domestic violence, and stalking).

  • Assessments of personality or psychopathy.

  • Assessments of suggestibility and/or compliance.

  • Custodial and community assessments.

  • Assessments of mental capacity and witness testimony.

  • Assessments of cognitive functioning or intellectual impairments
    (including neurodevelopmental disorders).

  • Risk assessment and treatment reports for parole board hearings.


Our services: Text

Asylum and Immigration

From our work both independently and within the public sector, our experts have considerable experience of working with people from diverse backgrounds, but also with individuals who have experienced extreme deprivation and high levels of trauma and marginalisation.


  • Psychological assessments of adults, children, and unaccompanied minors.

  • Structured assessments of trauma and PTSD (including Complex PTSD).

  • Cognitive assessments of Mental Capacity.

  • Assessments of mental health conditions and personality.

  • Assessments of sexual exploitation or assault.

  • Assessments to understand the psychological impact of deportation.


Our services: Text

Therapy and Rehabilitation

Psychological Therapy


At Instruct Psychological Services, we ensure we find the right therapist for you and your needs. Currently we are able to offer video appointments for individuals who would like to access our services.


  • Children - When working with children who are experiencing challenges, our psychologists ensure that they work with both the child and their family to provide the best provision possible.  Our psychologists have specialist training in understanding and providing intervention for Autism, ADHD, difficulties in school, and traumatic experiences.

  • Adolescents - Our specialists provide support to adolescents
    experiencing difficulties including depression, anxiety, and difficulties
    in relationships (both in and out of the family environment).

  • Adults - We offer an extensive range of psychological interventions
    to ensure that you are able to access the right type of support for you. The type of intervention you will receive will be determined after
    a period of assessment, and will be agreed collaboratively. 


Trauma Clinics


We provide specialist support for the assessment and treatment
of trauma, ranging from discrete occurrences (e.g. road traffic accidents),
to criminal offence, or complex childhood trauma.  We take referrals from GPs, insurance companies, solicitors, and local authorities.


  • TF-CBT (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) 
    – This is a short-term focused intervention which
    aims to help people to process their emotions and thoughts
    relating to a specific traumatic experience. 

  • Narrative Exposure Therapy  (NET) – This is an intervention
    which has been most frequently used in community settings
    and with individuals who experienced trauma as result of political,
    cultural or social forces (such as refugees).


Our services: Text

Educational assesments

Our Psychologists and Speech, Language, and Communication

Therapists are committed to advocating for needs and interests

of children and young people, particularly those with Special

Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those who are

supported by Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCP).


We offer assessments which provide an integrated understanding  of a child’s developmental difficulties and the pathways through the educational system.  We offer independent assessments of a  child’s educational needs and provide expert advice to parents,  schools, and local authorities.


We also assess the impact of developmental difficulties such

as Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC), Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity (ADHD), dyslexia or dyspraxia can have on

educational outcomes.


We are able to:


  • Complete neurodevelopmental assessments including
    earning disability, autism, or ADHD.

  • Assess the child’s cognitive functioning and describe
    any intellectual difficulties.

  • Consider a child’s mental health and developmental difficulties.

  • Include the child’s attachments and life events when considering
    their abilities (including periods under local authority care).

  • Consider a child’s integration in school or any experiences
    of bullying and/or exclusion.

  • Provide guidance regarding reintegrating children back into
    mainstream education after periods of non-attendance or exclusion.

  • Take an integrated and systemic approach to developmental difficulties

Our services: Text
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